A well training staff is a true partner in healthcare. 

 We believe that a well-trained staff is essential to a quality healthcare experience.  We work hard to keep our staff trained and informed on the latest policies, procedures, and trends in the heal and wellness industry.

If you are a team member please take a  look at the articles, videos and training documents on this page.

Caring for someone with COVID-19

With the onset of Covid -19 in our community caring for someone with this virus can be very tricky.  Here is information from the CDC on how to properly care for someone in this condition.

Download Resource


Trauma affects on the body

Provider training through DODD

The Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities hosts a vast amount of training each year.  To check out the next online training or to sign up for an in-person training options visit ODDD site.

DODD My Learning Features new Transcripts

Sensory Strategies for all ages

Anxiety and ID